Thursday 5 September 2013

FutureGP: Understanding General Practice today to inform tomorrow

GPwork125This new research project is designed to assist the future-proofing of General Practice within a vibrant primary healthcare-orientated health system. The project is a collaboration between the Southern Adelaide-Fleurieu-Kangaroo Island (SAFKI) Medicare Local and the School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine at Monash University (Associate Professor Catherine Joyce).

The project will provide invaluable information to ensure that General Practice continues to play a key role at the forefront of Australian Health Reform, and that SAFKI Medicare Local provides responsive and well-targeted support to its GP workforce. Beyond this, the project will have national significance in contributing to understanding about the current trends, workforce needs and issues for GPs, and the implications of these for the future.

The project is investigating the practices and perceptions of GPs about a number of critical factors such as working hours, visiting work (home visits, residential aged care homes), billing practices and practice ownership. The project will explore the significance of a range of associated demographics and issues, including personal characteristics (age, gender) and practice characteristics (business models, practice size, location and the like).

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